Which volunteering role are you applying for? * Programme Volunteer Videography Volunteer Full name * Email address * Mobile/home telephone number: * Which dates would you be available to volunteer for? Monday 21st - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Malham, Yorkshire Dales) Wednesday 23rd - Thursday 24th October 2024 (Malham, Yorkshire Dales) Monday 9th to Wednesday 11th December 2024 (Borrowdale, Lake District) Wednesday 11th - Friday 13th December 2024 (Borrowdale, Lake District) Monday 27th - Wednesday 29th January 2025 (Borrowdale, Lake District) Wednesday 29th - Friday 31st January 2025 (Borrowdale, Lake District) Monday 24th - Wednesday 26th March 2025 (Windermere, Lake District) Wednesday 26th - Friday 28th March 2025 (Windermere, Lake District) Monday 12th - Wednesday 14th May 2025 (Windermere, Lake District) Wednesday 14th - Friday 16th May 2025 (Windermere, Lake District) Monday 9th - Wednesday 11th June 2025 (Coniston, Lake District) Wednesday 11th - Friday 13th June 2025 (Coniston, Lake District) Why do you want to volunteer for us? Please write a minimum of 100 words. * What would make you a great volunteer for us? What skills, experience, knowledge or traits would you bring? Please write a minimum of 100 words. * Please detail any relevant training or qualifications you have completed (e.g. First Aid Training, Instructor Qualifications, Coaching, ADHD or ASD training etc. This isn't essential, just useful for us to know!) * If you were given 30 - 60 minutes to run an activity to young people, what would be your strong suit? Please give us details of any special talents you may have! (e.g. arts and crafts, sport, mindfulness) * We want to get a good picture of where you currently stand in regards to knowledge, experience and training around our work. Don't panic if your answers are no knowledge or experience, it's just so we can get a sense of how to tailor our training. How much experience do you have working with young people? * None A little bit A fair amount Quite a bit A lot What is your safeguarding knowledge like? * Never done any safeguarding training I have some basic knowledge/training I have quite a bit of knowledge/training I have a lot of knowledge/training How comfortable are you with outdoor adventure? * The thought of outdoor adventure terrifies me I've not done a lot but I want to do more I've spent a decent amount of time doing outdoor adventure I'm comfortable doing a wide range of outdoor activities I love it and have spent a lot of time doing it! What areas of the role (if any) would you feel least comfortable or confident with? Thank you for submitting this application, it could be the start of a very exciting journey for this child. We’ll be in touch if we have any questions. Volunteer application form